Updating Rslidy: Responsive HTML5 Slide Decks

Inge Gsellmann, Martin Heider, Lukas Leitner, and Vrutanjali Patel

Information Architecture and Web Usability 2023

Group 1

Tue 30 Jan 2024, Graz, Austria.

About Rslidy



Pointer Cursor When Hovering Over Image

When hovering over an image that can be opened in the image viewer, the cursor shape should change to a square.

Status: DONE

rslidy repo

Arrow Cursor While Hovering Over Side Bars

When hovering over the nav bar on the side of the screen, the cursor should indicate this option to navigate.

Status: DONE

Most cursor packages do not include a single directional arrow.

We added our own svg files, convert them to base64 to use as custom cursors.

Do Not Apply Cursor Change on Last / First Slide

The first and last slide should not change cursor when no navigation is possible.

Status: DONE

Note: This fix was implemented into the content.ts file, where the cursor is changed.

Adapt Toolbar Navigation Buttons for First and Last Slide

On the first and last slide the buttons in the toolbar be disabled functionally and visually.

Status: DONE

Disabled buttons in the nav bar

Issues with Node.js Version

When using a newer version of Node an error happens during the transpile step.

Status: DONE

Works until Node.js version 16.20.2, broken from 17.9.1.

Downgrading Node.js is not recommended as the updates patched a security hole.

We updated package.json by adding source-map at version "^0.7.4" as a dependency.

As a resulting issue 'webpack' errored.

This is fixed by updating webpack to the newest version 5.89.0 in package.json

Replace @media with Container Size Queries.

Media queries:

Container queries:

Status: DONE

Within rslidy are 9 media queries.

All handle layouts (footer and menu bar) depending on screen size.

No query is needed to be reused.

Media queries are the better choice.

Update the ReadMe.md on Rslidys GitHub

Status: DONE

Small adaptions made.

Slide creator guide extended.

Group added as contributors in Rslidy's team.

ReadMe contributors

Introduction to Rslidy as .md file

Status: DONE

Slide creator guide on GitHub was extended.

More examples in the code snippets.

ReadMe structure ReadMe lists ReadMe Images

Set a Class to Disable Image Viewer

Slide creators can set 'disable-image-viewer'

This results in the image not opening the image viewer and also not having a mouse hover.

Status: DONE

disabled image viewer

Remove S9 Support

Remove support for S9 slides as this technology is not relevant anymore.

Status: DONE

Remove SVG Compression and Slim Down SVG Files

Alter gulpfile so it doesn't optimise the SVG files anymore, so they stay legible.

Without svgo we have to manually remove fill and stroke colours as those will be set in css later.

We do not want to remove them from the SVG files, so we can still look at them properly.

Important: do NOT remove fill type none or some icons will be broken!

Get rid of inkscape tags and other unnecessary tags within the newly added SVG files.

Delete gulp-svgo from package.json as it is no longer needed.

Status: DONE

Convert SCSS to Modern CSS

Modern CSS now supports variables (called custom properties) so SCSS is no longer needed.

Status: DONE

Converting SCSS to Modern CSS changed the syntax of variables.

This broke a few calculations with variableswhich we fixed with the relevant css syntax.

We had to change the gulpfile, concatenates the files instead of converting.

This makes gulp-sass and sass unnecessary so those were also removed from the package.json

Advantages of Using Rslidy

Rslidy uses HTML5, CSS3 and TypeScript which help you create dynamic and visually appealing presentations.

It ensures the presentation adapts to various screen sizes, providing a consistent user experience.

It provides you help and setting options in slide deck.

It includes special features like:

Demo of Rslidy on YouTube: