Information Architecture and Web Usability

(706.041 Information Architecture and Web Usability 3VU WS 2024/2025)

Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Keith Andrews

From WS 2024/2025, this course will be hosted on TeachCenter (the university's Moodle instance).

Only certain pointers and public resources will remain here on this web site.


See the course schedule.

Lecture Notes [189 pages PDF]

The lecture notes are never in their final form, but will be updated periodically during the course.

If you teach and would like a zip file of the corresponding lecture slides (the same material but in HTML, SVG, PNG, and JPEG), please contact me by email.

Course Books

If you would like to buy some books for the course, I highly recommend the following:


See the exercise descriptions.


The following guides are available:

Previous Survey Papers

Survey papers from previous semesters are under surveys.

Note that these are not perfect examples of what I expect for this semester!

Previous Project Reports

Project reports from previous semesters are under projects.

Note that these are not perfect examples of what I expect for this semester!