Once you have been assigned your survey topic, you will present your work to me every week (see the schedule) using a slide deck and possibly accompanying live demos and/or videos:
See my guide to Making Presentation Slides.
You will probably produce one or more showcase videos, illustrating the systems or topics you have surveyed.
See my guide to Making a Showcase Video.
Write a survey paper on the topic your group was assigned in class:
This is a group exercise.
Write in English.
Read my guide to Using LaTeX.
Read the contents of my example LaTeX skeleton for writing a survey paper. Then, use and adapt it for your survey paper, replacing my content with yours.
You can also look at some of the survey papers from previous semesters of the course.
Note that these are provided as they were handed in, warts and all. They do not constitute perfect examples of what is expected.
Prepare a hand-in folder called ivis-ssYYYY-gN-survey
where YYYY is the year and N is your group number (for
example ivis-ss2025-g1-survey
), containing your report
and all related materials and code.
Your hand-in folder structure will look something like this:
ivis-ss2025-g1-survey/ data/ latex-src/ diagrams/ images/ listings/ literature/ presentation/ software/ videos/ ivis-ss2025-g1-survey.pdf
Bear in mind:
Include any data files you used in a data/
Include the LaTeX source of your survey paper in a subdirectory
called latex-src/
. Delete any files which are not part of
your survey paper (my example files, temporary files, junk files).
Include any additional papers or literature which you discovered in a
subdirectory called literature/
Include the slides (ppt, pdf, html) from your final presentation in a
subdirectory called presentation/
Include any code examples in a subdirectory
called software/
Include any screencast video demos in a videos/
You can make screencasts with OBS studio, Camtasia, or similar
software. Include an audio track in English explaining what the viewer
is seeing.
Include the final PDF of your survey paper in a file
called ivis-ssYYYY-gN-survey.pdf
, where YYYY is the year
and N is your group number, for
example ivis-ss2025-g1-survey.pdf
If you do not need a particular folder, do not include it.
Do not leave empty folders or junk lying around.
Zip up your hand-in folder as a file named something like
and hand it in on TeachCenter.