Information Visualisation SS 2024

Provisional Schedule

This schedule is a work in progress. It is subject to change if circumstances require.

Each class will start punctually at the time given.

Date Room Details
Wed 06 Mar 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
* Lecture 1
1. Introduction

Ex1 Introductory exercise.

Fri 08 Mar 2024 12:15-14:45 IDEG134
* Lecture 2
2. Visual Perception
3. History of Information Visualisation
4. Visualising Linear Structures
5. Visualising Hierarchies (part 1)
Wed 13 Mar 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
* Lecture 3

Quick review of Ex1.

5. Visualising Hierarchies (part 2)
6. Visualising Networks and Graphs

Form groups of 4.

Fri 15 Mar 2024 12:15-14:45 IDEG134
* Lecture 4
7. Visualising Multidimensional Metadata
8. Visualising Text and Object Collections (Feature Spaces)
9. Other Kinds of Visualisation
o Visual Analytics, VAST Contest
Wed 20 Mar 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
* Lecture 5 + Survey Topics
o Open Data Vis
o Data Journalism
o Tools and Toolkits

Ex2 Survey topic assignments.

Easter Holidays

Wed 10 Apr 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Survey Ideas Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their survey idea. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G1, G2.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 17 Apr 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Survey Progress Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their survey progress so far as an incremental update. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G2, G1.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 24 Apr 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Survey Progress Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their survey progress so far as an incremental update. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

  • 13:15: “Characteristics and Variants of Parallel Coordinates”
    (Guest Talk by Romana Gruber)

Followed by presentations: G2, G1.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Fri 03 May 2024 12:15-14:45 IDEG134
Survey Practice Presentations

Every group gives a presentation (ppt, pdf, html) of their survey as a full, self-contained talk (assuming no prior knowledge). Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G1, G2.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 08 May 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
* Survey Final Presentations

Every group gives a presentation (ppt, pdf, html) of their survey as a full, self-contained talk (assuming no prior knowledge). Max. 25 mins. per group.

Send me your slides by email by 18:00 the evening before your presentation (at the latest), so I can make them available to the other participants ahead of time.

  • 13:15: “Using SVG in the Web Browser” (G1)
  • 13:45: “Set Visualisation” (G2)

All members of all groups must attend all presentations.

Hand in the final version of your survey, including all the materials as described in Ex2, by Mon 13 May 2024 14:00.

Wed 15 May 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Survey Review and Project Topics

I will do a short live review of your survey paper to spot any basic problems or issues.

We will then discuss your Ex3 Project topic assignments.

Wed 22 May 2024 13:15-13:45 IDEG134
Project Ideas Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their project idea. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G2, G1.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 29 May 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Project Progress Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their project progress so far as an incremental update. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G1, G2.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 05 Jun 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Project Progress Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their project progress so far as an incremental update. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G1, G2.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 12 Jun 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Project Progress Presentations

Every group presents (ppt, pdf, html) their project progress so far as an incremental update. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G2, G1.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 19 Jun 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
Project Practice Presentations

Every group gives a presentation (ppt, pdf, html) of their project as a full, self-contained talk (assuming no prior knowledge), including a short demo. Max. 25 mins. per group. I will give feedback.

Send me your slides by email 1 hour before class (at the latest).

Order of presentations: G1, G2.

You can leave after your group has presented.

Wed 26 Jun 2024 13:15-15:45 IDEG134
* Project Final Presentations

Every group gives a final presentation (ppt, pdf, html) of their project as a full, self-contained talk (assuming no prior knowledge), including a short demo. Max. 25 mins. per group.

Send me your slides by email by 18:00 the evening before your presentation (at the latest), so I can make them available to the other participants ahead of time.

  • 13:15: “LitExplorer: A Visual Browser for Literature Collections” (G2)
  • 13:45: “Custom Charts for RAWGraphs” (G1)

All members of all groups must attend all presentations.

Hand in the final version of your project, including all the materials as described in Ex3, by Mon 01 Jul 2024 14:00 at the latest.

     = lecture,      = final presentation, * = compulsory participation, TBC = to be confirmed.


For the progress and practice presentations, you must send me your slides by email (at least) 1 hour before class. For the final presentations, you must send me your slides by email (at least) by 18:00 the evening before the presentation, so I can make them available to the other participants ahead of time.

I will assume each group will bring their own laptop for their presentations. Before each presentation, you should agree in advance which member of your group is going to bring a laptop and who will be talking or giving demos. One of you should also be prepared to take runnung notes (on paper or laptop) of the feedback I give you.

Practice your presentations with a stopwatch or alarm clock, so that you get the timing right. The schedule is sometimes tight, and if you overrun, the faciliator will have to cut you off. This is usually not pleasant.