
Homepage of Roman Kern, Assoc.Prof. at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of University of Technology in Graz and chief scientific officer at the Know Center Research GmbH competence centre.
- Office and contact via: Business card
- ORCiD: 0000-0003-0202-6100
More information
- About Short CV and background
- Courses List of courses at the TU-Graz
- Thesis Topics and thesis template
- Seminar Calender of the upcoming presentations
- Publications List of highlighted publications
- Projects List of international and national research projects
Highlighted publication
Kattnig, M., Angerschmid, A., Reichel, T., & Kern, R. (2024). “Assessing trustworthy AI: Technical and legal perspectives of fairness in AI”. Computer Law & Security Review, 55, 106053.
Highlighted project
VanillaFlow: Sustainable Electrolytes for Organic Redox Flow Batteries, with the goal to use AI/LLM to support a battery development.